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David Byrne
David Byrne
I’ve been a RomanianPod101 learner for a few years, and from knowing nothing I now read articles and news in Romanian every day!

I found the lessons really helpful, especially being able to download and listen to them when out walking or on the train. They helped build my vocabulary fast and I still love it when a new Word a Day pops up πŸ˜‚ Being regularly reminded ensures I don’t get rusty from forgetting to keep learning. I’m studying the Romanian Slang book now and adding some local color to my knowledge!

Vass Iko
Vass Iko
Well, RomanianPod101.com has been one of the best gifts I picked for myself.

The daily reminders, Romanian word of the day, bonus Thursday pdf help not to forget the track I walk through. Interesting material, variable voices and alternative/combined learning strategies make it useful and fun. Happy with it and with Romanian language.

Colin B.
Colin B.
I have been learning Romanian through RomanianPod101.com for just over three months. I have found the lessons enjoyable and easy to follow. All the bonus lessons, the Thursday lessons, the PDF information sheets and workbooks are of high quality and is making my experience fantastic.

I am visiting Romania again at the end of this year after falling in love with the country during my visit last Christmas.

Thank you to RomanianPod101.cm for helping me learn this language and I would recommend this platform to everyone wanting to learn Romanian.

L. Henrickson
L. Henrickson
Excellent beginner instruction, lesson plan and format. Love the instructors for what must be a sometimes-tedious job. I want Mihai to be my guide when I visit in Septembrie.πŸ˜„
Michael Rowland
Michael Rowland
Having been in Romania for about 8 months and having tried to find a place or a teacher in Lugoj to teach me was very difficult. So, RomanianPod101 was an obvious choice; as it gives me the freedom to study when and for how long I want.