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Hi everyone. My name is Larisa and today, we are going to learn the 10 Must Know Autumn Vocabulary. Here we go.
1. Pulover
Our first word, Pulover
Aceste pulovere sunt foarte elegante.
“These sweaters are very elegant.”
Aceste pulovere sunt foarte elegante.
For English speakers, I believe Pulover, sweater is easy to remember because you just pull something over. You pull it over.
So Pulover
2. Ploios
Our next word is Ploios
It means “rainy”
Furtunile din timpul sezonului ploios pot cauza întârzieri.
“Storms during the rainy season can cause delays.”
Furtunile din timpul sezonului ploios pot cauza întârzieri.
That happens quite often. Doesn’t it?
3. Vântos
Our next word Vântos
În luna Martie va fi vreme vântoasa dar calda.
“In March, the weather will be warm but windy.”
În luna Martie va fi vreme vântoasa dar calda.
4. Racoros
Our next word, Racoros
Din cauza vremei racoroase, conditiile de condus au fost dificile.
“Because of the cool weather, the driving conditions were difficult.”
Din cauza vremei racoroase, conditiile de condus au fost dificile.
5. Toamna
Our next word is Toamna.
“Autumn” My favorite season.
Raportul final va fi gata la toamna.
“The final report will be ready in the autumn.”
Raportul final va fi gata la toamna.
This is a very funny expression in Romanian. My family usually uses it when they want to say that something will never happen. So when are you going to clean your room? In Autumn. That’s never going to happen or something like that. It’s a funny expression.
6. Raceala
So in Autumn, the weather gets cold. Therefore, our next word will be Raceala,
For example,
Pune-ti degetul în apa rece pentru 5 minute.
“Put your finger in cold water for 5 minutes.”
Pune-ti degetul în apa rece pentru 5 minute.
7. Castana
Aceasta prajitura cu castane este delicioasa.
“This chestnut cake is delicious.”
Aceasta prajitura cu castane este delicioasa.
So we usually use more than one chestnut in a cake. That’s why we say the plural form prajitura cu castanet.
Singular form Castana, plural form Castane.
Do you like chestnut cake?
8. Camasa cu mâneci lungi
“Long-sleeved shirt”
Our next word,
Camasa cu mâneci lungi
“Long-sleeved shirt”
Este prea cald ca sa porti o camasa cu mâneci lungi.
“It's too hot to wear a long-sleeved shirt.”
Este prea cald ca sa porti o camasa cu mâneci lungi.
9. Frunze cazatoare
“falling leaves”
Next is Frunze cazatoare
“falling leaves”
Frunzele cazatoare protejeaza radacinile plantelor mele.
“The falling leaves are protecting the roots of my plants.”
Frunzele cazatoare protejeaza radacinile plantelor mele.
We have an expression in Romanian. When there are a lot of falling leaves on the ground and we say, it looks like a carpet like a Persian carpet. So we use this expression to talk about the beauty of an autumn scenery.
10. Frunza
For our last word, we have Frunza.
One leaf. Frunza.
Câinele se joaca cu un morman de frunze moarte.
“The dog plays with a pile of dead leaves.”
Câinele se joaca cu un morman de frunze moarte.
So one leaf. It’s Frunza or Frunza and the plural form, Frunze.
Frunza / Frunze. There it is.
So that was it. These were the 10 Must Know Autumn vocabulary. I hope you liked it and I want to ask you what is your favorite season and if you like autumn. See you!
Dead leaves. Poor leaves.
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