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Michael: Hi everyone, I'm Michael.
Larisa: And I'm Larisa!
Michael: And welcome to Culture Class: Essential Romanian Vocabulary, Season 1, Lesson 11! In this lesson, you'll learn five essential words related to society and culture. These are five common pop and traditional culture threads in Romania. Hand-picked. You can find a complete list of vocabulary at RomanianPod101.com.
Michael: Larisa, what's our first word?
Larisa: dansuri populare românești
Michael: "Romanian folk dances"
Larisa: [SLOW] dansuri populare românești [NORMAL] dansuri populare românești
Michael: Listeners, please repeat:
Larisa: dansuri populare românești
[pause - 5 sec.]
Michael: Romanians love to dance traditional dances, especially at special occasions like weddings or family parties. Romanian folk dances are characterized by virtuosity, energy, and cheer. The best-known one is
Larisa: hora
Michael: which means "the circle," and it's a very fast dance, performed by at least four dancers.
Michael: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Larisa: [NORMAL] Dansurile populare românești sunt denumite după regiunea unde au fost interpretate prima oară.
Michael: "Romanian folk dances are named after the region where they were initially performed."
Larisa: [SLOW] Dansurile populare românești sunt denumite după regiunea unde au fost interpretate prima oară.
Michael: Okay, what's the next word?
Larisa: cântece pop românești
Michael: "Romanian pop songs"
Larisa: [SLOW] cântece pop românești [NORMAL] cântece pop românești
Michael: Listeners, please repeat:
Larisa: cântece pop românești
[pause - 5 sec.]
Michael: Some Romanian pop songs gain international success, and they're known and played worldwide. Recently the most popular artists are Inna, whose YouTube videos hit more than 3 billion views, and Alexandra Stan, who moved to Miami and started a collaboration with a famous DJ.
Michael: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Larisa: [NORMAL] Cântecele pop românești sunt auzite la radio în diferite țări.
Michael: "Romanian pop songs are played on the radio in various countries."
Larisa: [SLOW] Cântecele pop românești sunt auzite la radio în diferite țări.
Michael: Okay, what's the next word?
Larisa: celebrarea Mărțișorului
Michael: "Martisor celebration"
Larisa: [SLOW] celebrarea Mărțișorului [NORMAL] celebrarea Mărțișorului
Michael: Listeners, please repeat:
Larisa: celebrarea Mărțișorului
[pause - 5 sec.]
Michael: On March 1st, Romanians are celebrating the beginning of spring by offering a trinket.
Michael: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Larisa: [NORMAL] Mărțișorul reprezintă o tradiție frumoasă a primăverii.
Michael: "Martisor represents a beautiful spring tradition."
Larisa: [SLOW] Mărțișorul reprezintă o tradiție frumoasă a primăverii.
Michael: Okay, what's the next word?
Larisa: încondeierea ouălelor de Paști
Michael: "painting Easter eggs"
Larisa: [SLOW] încondeierea ouălelor de Paști [NORMAL] încondeierea ouălelor de Paști
Michael: Listeners, please repeat:
Larisa: încondeierea ouălelor de Paști
[pause - 5 sec.]
Michael: The eggs are painted on the Thursday and Saturday before Easter, with different motifs or religious symbols. These painted eggs are only for decoration and not eaten. The eggs are filled with wax prior to painting so that they will not break and can be kept for a long time.
Michael: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Larisa: [NORMAL] Cei mai renumiți maeștri de artă tradițională care predau clase de încondeiere a ouălelor, vin din zona Bucovinei.
Michael: "The most famous traditional artists who teach painted egg classes come from the Bucovina area."
Larisa: [SLOW] Cei mai renumiți maeștri de artă tradițională care predau clase de încondeiere a ouălelor, vin din zona Bucovinei.
Michael: Okay, what's the next word?
Larisa: festival de muzică
Michael: "music festival"
Larisa: [SLOW] festival de muzică [NORMAL] festival de muzică
Michael: Listeners, please repeat:
Larisa: festival de muzică
[pause - 5 sec.]
Michael: Romania frequently hosts music festivals, including electronic music, classical, and legendary rock bands. Because it's almost impossible to buy tickets for these festivals, some city halls, schools, and colleges give away free tickets to the most meritorious workers or students.
Michael: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Larisa: [NORMAL] Festivalul de muzică electronică "Untold" oferă un bilet gratuit oricui va dona sânge la o unitate mobilă sau la un centru de transfuzie sangvină din Cluj-Napoca.
Michael: "The music festival ‘Untold’ is offering a free ticket to anyone who offers blood at a mobile unit or a blood transfusion center in Cluj-Napoca."
Larisa: [SLOW] Festivalul de muzică electronică "Untold" oferă un bilet gratuit oricui va dona sânge la o unitate mobilă sau la un centru de transfuzie sangvină din Cluj-Napoca.
Michael: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Larisa will give you the Romanian - please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready?
Larisa: încondeierea ouălelor de Paști
[PAUSE] Michael: "painting Easter eggs"
Larisa: cântece pop românești
[PAUSE] Michael: "Romanian pop songs"
Larisa: festival de muzică
[PAUSE] Michael: "music festival"
Larisa: dansuri populare românești
[PAUSE] Michael: "Romanian folk dances"
Larisa: celebrarea Mărțișorului
[PAUSE] Michael: "Martisor celebration"


Michael: There you have it - five common pop and traditional culture threads in Romania! We have more vocab lists available at RomanianPod101.com, so be sure to check them out. Thanks, everyone! See you next time!
Larisa: La revedere.

