Dialogue - Romanian



a găsi find
în perechi in pairs
puncte cheie key points
a amâna postpone
lucrare work
credeți că do you think that
a pregăti prepare
sunt șanse să it is likely to
a pregăti cook
în ordine OK

Lesson Notes


Lesson Focus

The Focus of This Lesson is Expressing Opinions

Mulțumesc. Aș vrea să o citesc. Credeți că sunt șanse să o găsesc la biblioteca universității?
"Thank you. I would like to read it. Do you think I could find it at the university library?"


In this lesson, we will learn how to:

1.    give or ask for opinions

2.    agree

3.    disagree



1. How to give or ask for opinions


There are at least two distinct ways to express opinions- by using specific verbs or by introducing them through specific phrases.

In the chart below you can find the most common syntactic structures used for giving opinions.

Giving opinions chart

1. the verb a (nu) crede că "to (not) believe that" + verb in indicative

2. după părerea mea, "In my opinion," + sentence

3. după + (noun or pronoun defining a person or a group of persons possessing the expressed opinion) + nominal group in accusative

e.g. Eu (nu) cred că va veni. "I do not believe that he will come."

e.g. După părerea mea, mâine va ploua. "In my opinion, tomorrow it will rain."

e.g. După mama, mai bine nu mergem la pescuit. "According to mom, we better not go fishing."

In order to ask for an opinion, interrogative sentences formed with specific verbs or verbal phrases are used.

The following verbs are most commonly used in these situations:

Asking for an opinion

1. a crede "to believe, to think"

2. a avea o părere "to have an opinion"

3. a i se părea "to think, to consider, to look like"

e.g. Ce crezi despre noua mea bluză? "What do you think about my new blouse?"

e.g. Ce părere aveți despre spectacolul de ieri? "What is your opinion on yesterday's show?"

e.g. Cum ți se pare noua noastră locuință? "How does our new home look like to you?"

2. How to agree


Agreeing can be expressed either formally or informally by using different phrases for each situation.

The chart below offers the main phrases used in Romanian for expressing agreement.

Expressing agreement chart

Formal agreement expression

Informal agreement expression

a aproba "to approve"

e.g. Vom aproba cererea depusă de dumneavoastră. "We will approve your request."


a fi de acord "to agree with"

e.g. Suntem de acord să prelungim contractul. "We agree to extend the contract."


a conveni "to agree, to reach an agreement"

e.g. Vom conveni asupra clauzelor contractuale. "We will agree on the contractual clauses."

Da. "Yes."

e.g. Da, putem merge la teatru deseară. "Yes, we can go to the theatre tonight."


Bine. "Good.," "OK."

e.g. Bine. Ne vedem mâine. "Good. See you tomorrow."


Sigur. "Sure."

e.g. Sigur, vreau asta. "Sure, I want this."


Excelent. "Excellent.," "Great."

e.g. Excelent. Ăsta-i planul, deci. "Great. This is the plan, then."


De acord. "Agree."

e.g. De acord. Te aștept mâine la gară la ora opt. "Agree. I will wait for you at the train station tomorrow at eight o'clock."


Vă / Te aprob. "I agree with you."

e.g. Te aprob. Și eu am avut aceeași experiență ca tine. "I agree with you. I had the same experience as you."

3. How to disagree


Similarly to the agreement expression, these can also be reported either formally or informally.

The chart below offers the main phrases used in Romania for expressing disagreement.

Expressing disagreement chart

Formal disagreement expression

Informal disagreement expression

a nu aproba "to disapprove"

e.g. Ne pare rău, dar nu vom aproba plecarea dumneavoastră. "We are sorry but we will not approve your departure."


a nu fi de acord, a fi în dezacord "to disagree with"

e.g. Nu sunt de acord să pleci o perioadă atât de îndelungată. "I do not agree for you to leave for such a long period."


a nu conveni "to disagree"

e.g. Nu au convenit asupra termenelor de plată și nu s-a mai încheiat vânzarea. "They did not agree on the payment terms and the sale was not completed."

Nu. "No."

e.g. Nu, nu vreau să mănânc pâine. "No, I do not want to eat bread."


Deloc. "Not at all."

e.g. Deloc. Mereu mi s-a părut un tip arogant. "Not at all. I always perceived him as an arrogant guy."


a nu putea aproba "not be able to approve"

e.g. Nu pot aproba comportamentul jignitor al Mariei. "I can not approve Mary's offensive behavior."


a nu-i plăcea "to not like"

e.g. Nu-mi place asta deloc. "I do not like this at all."


a nu fi bine "to not be ok"

e.g. Nu-i bine. Trebuie să modificăm totul. "That is not ok. We need to change everything."

Examples from the Dialogue

  1. În opinia lui Durkheim, sociologia este o știință distinctă și autonomă.
    "According to Durkheim, sociology is a distinct and autonomous science."
  2. Mulțumesc. Aș vrea să o citesc. Credeți că sunt șanse să o găsesc la biblioteca universității?
    "Thank you. I would like to read it. Do you think I could find it at the university library?"
  3. Da, pentru mine este în ordine. Stabilește și cu Simona și dați-mi de veste dacă vă pot ajuta cu ceva.
    "Yes, it's okay with me. It's also set with Simona. Let me know if I can help you with anything."

Sample Sentences


  1. Ce părere aveți despre rezultatele alegerilor prezidențiale?
    "What do you think about the results of the presidential election?"
  2. Eu nu cred că va ploua deseară.
    "I do not think it will rain tonight."
  3. Tot mai mulți oameni sunt de părere că în viață este bine să alegi o meserie care te face fericit.
    "More and more people are of the opinion that in life it is good to choose a job that makes you happy."


Key Vocabulary & Phrases

a fi de acord
"to agree"


This verbal phrase is formed from the infinitive of a fi ("to be"), de ("of"- preposition), and the neuter noun acord ("agreement") in singular form. Therefore, the literal translation is "to be in agreement," or more simply put, "to agree."

This phrase is used when we want to indicate that the subject of the action has confirmed his or her agreement to a specific action or element mentioned in the text. This is a rather formal expression of subject's agreement. More informal alternatives could be a fi ok să/cu... "to be ok to/with...".

For example..

  1. Sunt de acord să amânăm întâlnirea cu Petre pe mâine dimineață.
    "I agree to postpone the meeting with Petre for tomorrow morning."

a fi în ordine
"to be ok"


This is a verbal phrase composed of the infinitive form of the verb a fi "to be," the în "in" preposition, and the noun ordine "order" in feminine singular. The last two words also compose the adverbial phrase în ordine "ok," which basically means "to be ok," "to be in (the right) order."

This phrase is used to express that the subject of an action is ok with a certain element mentioned in the sentence, that he/she/it feels everything is in the right order concerning that element. In more formal or colloquial speech the phrase a fi ok "to be ok" can be used instead.

For example..

  1. E în ordine să las bagajele aici?
    "Is it okay to leave the luggage here?"


Cultural Insights

Social work in Romania


Humanitarian activity evolved in Romania after the fall of communism in 1989, when Romanian society was at its lowest and in need of patching up and guidance towards stability and prosperity. Since the government and political structures of the country were devastated, it was up to a wide variety of Non-Governmental Organizations, churches and individuals from the West to lend a hand and offer humanitarian goods. In this way, the lowest social classes would be taken out of misery and the younger generations of the country would have a chance at a better future. In more recent years, the national social work system has modernized based on specific legislative frames that are in line with the European and International recommendations and standards. As a result, social work and government institutions run at every level of society (local, county, city and national) to help those in need. In spite of all the progress that has been made, one of the major problems that Romania is facing now is the lack of specialized social workers that handle the immense workload the organization receives constantly. The academic field is well developed in the field of social studies, starting with Bachelor degrees all the way to PhDs; however, this particular field is poorly funded by the government. Even though there are students who are interested in making a change in the social context of Romania, they find it very difficult to do so because these jobs fail to provide them with a decent living. Nevertheless, there are some that prevail and, despite the difficulties, still want to help people. The most popular social work programs in Romania are the Hospice House of Hope, which is a palliative NGO specializing in patients with terminal illness; the Red Cross Romania, which assists vulnerable individuals in disaster or crisis situations; and the Communitarian Foundations, which are based on interested citizens from various cities who want to make a change at a local level. Also, there is a wide variety of Job Fair events organized by different NGOs in order to help unemployed people find work more easily, including those of which the state provides favorable work legislation.

Useful expression

  1. a pune mână de la mână
    "to join together"


Lesson Transcript

Dana: Hi everyone, and welcome back to RomanianPod101.com. This is Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 1 - Giving Your Opinion in Romanian. Dana Here.
Mihai: Bună. I'm Mihai.
Dana: In this lesson, you’ll learn about expressing opinions. The conversation takes place in a classroom.
Mihai: It's between Professor Petrescu, Marcel and Simona.
Dana: The speakers are a teacher and students; therefore, they will speak both formal and informal Romanian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Profesor Petrescu: În opinia lui Durkheim, sociologia este o știință distinctă și autonomă.
Marcel: Domnule profesor, mă scuzați, cum ați zis că se numește lucrarea de bază scrisă de Durkheim?
Profesor Petrescu: Da, "Regulile metodei sociologice", publicată în anul 1895.
Marcel: Mulțumesc. Aș vrea să o citesc. Credeți că sunt șanse să o găsesc la biblioteca universității?
Profesor Petrescu: Da, sigur. Dacă nu o găsiți, vă rog să mă contactați. Aș vrea să pregătiți pentru seminar o prezentare în perechi a punctelor cheie din această lucrare.
Simona: Mă scuzați, aș putea face eu echipă cu Marcel?
Profesor Petrescu: Da, sigur. Marcel, ești de acord că lucrezi cu Simona și să prezentați săptămâna viitoare?
Marcel: Sigur. Am însă o problemă, nu mă pot pregăti pentru următorul seminar deoarece am un alt examen la un curs opțional. Se poate amâna pentru încă o săptămână? Mulțumesc.
Profesor Petrescu: Da, pentru mine este în ordine. Stabilește și cu Simona și dați-mi de veste dacă vă pot ajuta cu ceva.
Dana: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Professor Petrescu: According to Durkheim, sociology is a distinct and autonomous science.
Marcel: Professor, excuse me, what did you say Durkheim's basic work is called?
Professor Petrescu: Well it's "The Rules of the Sociological Method," published in 1895.
Marcel: Thank you. I would like to read it. Do you think I could find it at the university library?
Professor Petrescu: Yes, sure. If you cannot find it there, please contact me. In pairs, I would like you all to prepare a presentation based on this work for the seminar.
Simona: Excuse me, could I team up with Marcel for this?
Professor Petrescu: Yes, sure. Marcel, do you agree to work with Simona and present next week?
Marcel: Sure. But I have a problem; I cannot prepare for the next seminar because I have another exam for an optional course. Can we postpone this for one more week? Thank you.
Professor Petrescu: Yes, it's okay with me. It's also set with Simona. Let me know if I can help you with anything.
Dana: It sounded like we were about to get into something deep and meaningful there, with the mentioning of Durkheim’s work. Sociology is very important.
Mihai: It is. Things changed a lot in Romanian society after the fall of communism in 1989.
Dana: I heard that the collapse of communism affected a lot of government and political structures in Romania.
Mihai: It did. For a while, Romania was dependent on churches, charities and the West to help out with aid. In more recent years, Romania has been able to get itself in line with European and International standards.
Dana: That’s good. Are there any areas where Romania still has problems?
Mihai: There is a lack of specialized social workers that can handle the immense workload.
Dana: Why is this?
Mihai: Unfortunately, it’s underfunded by the government, and jobs in social work fail to provide a good income.
Dana: That’s a shame. I’m sure that there are still many people that want to help though.
Mihai: There are. There are a few social work programs such as the Romanian Red Cross and the Hospice House of Hope.
Dana: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Dana: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Mihai: lucrare [natural native speed]
Dana: work
Mihai: lucrare[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: lucrare [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have..
Mihai: credeți că [natural native speed]
Dana: do you think that
Mihai: credeți că[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: credeți că [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have..
Mihai: sunt șanse să [natural native speed]
Dana: it is likely to
Mihai: sunt șanse să[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: sunt șanse să [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have..
Mihai: a găsi [natural native speed]
Dana: to find
Mihai: a găsi[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: a găsi [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have..
Mihai: a pregăti [natural native speed]
Dana: to prepare
Mihai: a pregăti[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: a pregăti [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have..
Mihai: în perechi [natural native speed]
Dana: in pairs
Mihai: în perechi[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: în perechi [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have..
Mihai: puncte cheie [natural native speed]
Dana: key points
Mihai: puncte cheie[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: puncte cheie [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have..
Mihai: acord [natural native speed]
Dana: agreement
Mihai: acord[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: acord [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have..
Mihai: a amâna [natural native speed]
Dana: to postpone
Mihai: a amâna[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: a amâna [natural native speed]
Dana: And last..
Mihai: în ordine [natural native speed]
Dana: ok
Mihai: în ordine[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: în ordine [natural native speed]
Dana: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is..
Mihai: a fi de acord
Dana: meaning "to agree"
Dana: This is a verbal phrase.
Mihai: It’s formed by the infinitive of a fi, meaning "to be," the preposition de, and the neuter noun acord.
Dana: That means “agreement,” in singular form. The literal translation is “to be in agreement,” or we can simply say “to agree.”
Mihai: We can use this to say that the subject has agreed to something.
Dana: This is pretty formal.
Mihai: Yes, in informal situations you can say a fi ok să/cu...
Dana: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Mihai: Sure. For example, you can say.. Sunt de acord să amânăm întâlnirea cu Petre pe mâine dimineață.
Dana: ..which means "I agree to postpone the meeting with Petre for tomorrow morning."
Dana: Okay, what's the next word?
Mihai: a fi în ordine
Dana: meaning "to be ok"
Dana: This is another verbal phrase.
Mihai: Again it starts with infinitive a fi, followed by the preposition in, and then the noun ordine.
Dana: This means “order” in feminine singular.
Mihai: Those last two words, în ordine, also make an adverbial phrase.
Dana: Yes, they mean “to be ok,” or “to be in the right order.”
Mihai: You can use this to show that someone is okay with something.
Dana: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Mihai: Sure. For example, you can say.. E în ordine să las bagajele aici?
Dana: .. which means "Is it okay to leave the luggage here?"
Dana: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Dana: In this lesson, you'll learn about expressing opinions.
Dana: There are a few ways that you can give your opinion.
Mihai: You can use a crede că or a nu crede că
Dana: Which means “to believe that” and “to not believe that,” respectively. Mihai, can we hear an example sentence?
Mihai: Eu (nu) cred că va veni.
Dana: “I do not believe that he will come.”
Mihai: You can also use după părerea mea
Dana: “in my opinion.” To ask for an opinion, we use an interrogative sentence.
Mihai: Yes. These interrogative sentences commonly use verbs such as a crede
Dana: “to believe” or “to think.”
Mihai: a avea o părere
Dana: “to have an opinion”
Mihai: a i se părea
Dana: “to think,” or “to consider.” Let’s hear an example.
Mihai: Cum ți se pare noua noastră locuință?
Dana: “How does our new home look like to you?” There are several ways to agree with an opinion.
Mihai: You can use a aproba, meaning “to approve,” in a formal phrase such as Vom aproba cererea depusă de dumneavoastră.
Dana: “We will approve your request.” What kind of word is good to use for informal phrases?
Mihai: Something as simple as da, which means “yes.” Da, putem merge la teatru deseară.
Dana: “Yes, we can go to the theater tonight.” We can also disagree with opinions.
Mihai: A good phrase to use in formal phrases is a nu conveni - “to disagree.” Nu au convenit asupra termenelor de plată și nu s-a mai încheiat vânzarea.
Dana: “They did not agree on the payment terms and the sale was not completed.”
Mihai: In an informal situation you can use a nu-i plăcea - “to not like.” Nu-mi place asta deloc.
Dana: “I do not like this at all.”
Mihai: Remember to check out the lesson notes as there are many more ways to give opinions listed there!
Dana: Thank you, Mihai!


Dana: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Mihai: La revedere.