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Sydney: Hi everyone, and welcome back to RomanianPod101.com. This is Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 22 - A Nervous Flyer in Romania. Sydney Here.
Mihai: Bună. I'm Mihai.
Sydney: In this lesson, you’ll learn about vocabulary for letters with various uses within a word. The conversation takes place in an airplane.
Mihai: It's between Professor Petrescu and a passenger.
Sydney: The speakers are strangers; therefore, they will speak both formal and informal Romanian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Pasageră: Ah, am ratat partea cu instrucțiunile. Nu știu cum de am ațipit așa repede.
Profesor Petrescu: Nu-i nicio problemă. Dacă doriți, vă pot da eu informațiile necesare.
Pasageră: Ar fi minunat. Eu sunt un pic mai obsedată de astfel de lucruri pentru că am pățit-o odată.
Profesor Petrescu: Da? Ce s-a întâmplat mai exact? Dacă doriți să povestiți despre asta, desigur.
Pasageră: Da, nu-i nicio problemă. A fost doar o aterizare forțată, din fericire. Motorul de sub o aripă se încinsese foarte tare și am fost nevoiți să oprim într-un aeroport intermediar să schimbăm avionul.
Profesor Petrescu: Îmi imaginez că v-ați speriat destul de tare la atât stres avut.
Pasageră: Da. De atunci sunt foarte atentă unde se află toate ustensilele folosite în caz de salvare și întotdeauna citesc textele suplimentare aflate pe cartoanele din buzunarele scaunelor.
Profesor Petrescu: Am înțeles. Se justifică. Uitați, la domnii din față se află ieșirea noastră de siguranță. Iar, aici, de asupra avem măștile de oxigen și sub scaune se găsesc vestele de salvare. Dacă doriți să mă întrebați orice, vă sunt la dispoziție.
Pasageră: Mulțumesc. Din alt registru, aveți idee dacă avionul este prevăzut cu conexiune Internet? Auzisem că pe această linie aeriană ar avea.
Profesor Petrescu: Sincer, nu știu. Dar aveți aici deasupra un buton prin care puteți apela pe cineva din echipaj să întrebați acest lucru.
Sydney: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Passenger: Ah, I missed the instructions. I do not know how I fell asleep so fast.
Professor Petrescu: That's not a problem. If you want, I can give you the necessary information.
Passenger: That would be great. I am a little bit obsessed with such things because of what happened to me once.
Professor Petrescu: Really? What happened exactly? If you want to tell me about it, of course.
Passenger: Yeah, it's ok. It was just a forced landing, fortunately. The engine under a wing was very hot and we had to stop at an intermediate airport to change planes.
Professor Petrescu: I imagine you were pretty scared after experiencing that much stress.
Passenger: Yes. Since then I have been very careful about where all the safety features are placed in case of emergency and I always read the extra texts on the cartons in the pockets of the seats.
Professor Petrescu: I understand. It is justified. Look, near the gentlemen in front of us is our safety exit. And here we have the oxygen masks, while the life vests can be found beneath the chairs. If you want to ask me anything, I'm at your disposal.
Passenger: Thank you. On a different note, do you have any idea if the airplane is equipped with an Internet connection? I had heard that this airline has this.
Professor Petrescu: Honestly, I do not know. But here, you have a button you can use to call someone in the crew to ask.
Sydney: I can understand the passenger wanting more safety information after the experience described!
Mihai: Yes, me too! Romania has a rich history in aviation, beginning with Traian Vuia.
Sydney: I know him, he showed that a flying machine can run on a road and later become airborne.
Mihai: That’s right, that was way back in 1906! In 1910, Aurel Vlaicu managed to design, build, and fly the first powered aircraft in Romania.
Sydney: Wow, Romania does have an impressive aviation history!
Mihai: Yes, and Henri Coanda was the first person to build and fly the first jet aircraft, too.
Sydney: What about modern aviation in Romania?
Mihai: It’s mainly geared towards tourism and the economy these days.
Sydney: What is the biggest airport in Romania?
Mihai: It is Otopeni, which is about 15 km from Bucharest. There are other airports around the country, but that is the biggest.
Sydney: Are Romanians fans of low cost, budget airlines?
Mihai: Yes they are, but of course you get what you pay for with budget airlines so the service is pretty basic.
Sydney: Yeah, the higher the price the higher the service! Okay, now onto the vocab.
Sydney: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Mihai: instrucțiune [natural native speed]
Sydney: instruction
Mihai: instrucțiune [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: instrucțiune [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Mihai: a ațipi [natural native speed]
Sydney: to fall asleep
Mihai: a ațipi [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: a ațipi [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Mihai: obsedat [natural native speed]
Sydney: obsessed
Mihai: obsedat [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: obsedat [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Mihai: aterizare [natural native speed]
Sydney: landing
Mihai: aterizare [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: aterizare [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Mihai: forțat [natural native speed]
Sydney: forced
Mihai: forțat [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: forțat [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Mihai: din fericire [natural native speed]
Sydney: fortunately
Mihai: din fericire [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: din fericire [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Mihai: nevoit [natural native speed]
Sydney: constrained
Mihai: nevoit [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: nevoit [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Mihai: vestă de salvare [natural native speed]
Sydney: life vest
Mihai: vestă de salvare [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: vestă de salvare [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Mihai: a se speria [natural native speed]
Sydney: to get scared
Mihai: a se speria [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: a se speria [natural native speed]
Sydney: And last...
Mihai: atât [natural native speed]
Sydney: that
Mihai: atât [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: atât [natural native speed]
Sydney: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...
Mihai: din fericire
Sydney: meaning "fortunately."
Sydney: This is a modal adverbial phrase.
Mihai: First is the preposition din, meaning "out of," and next is fericire.
Sydney: This is a feminine singular noun meaning "luckiness." Together, they mean "fortunately."
Mihai: You use this to show that a certain action or fact is good and seen as lucky.
Sydney: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Mihai: Sure. For example, you can say... Din fericire ne-au ajuns banii să luăm tot ce aveam pe lista de cumpărături.
Sydney: ...which means "Fortunately, we had enough money to get everything we had on the shopping list."
Sydney: Okay, what's the next word?
Mihai: a fi nevoit (să)
Sydney: meaning "to have to."
Sydney: This is a verbal expression.
Mihai: First is the verb a fi, meaning "to be." Next is nevoit.
Sydney: This is a masculine singular adjective that means "forced." It literally means "to be forced."
Mihai: By default, this is followed by the conjunctive mode.
Sydney: You can use this expression when you have to do something.
Mihai: The adjective in this changes it’s form depending on gender and number of the subject.
Sydney: Can you give us an example using this word?
Mihai: Sure. For example, you can say... Domnule, sunt nevoit să vă rețin permisul. Ați depășit viteza legală cu peste 30 de kilometri la oră.
Sydney: ... which means "Sir, I have to keep your license. You have exceeded the legal speed by more than 30 kilometers per hour."
Sydney: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Sydney: In this lesson, you'll learn about vocabulary for letters with various uses within a word.
Sydney: Mihai, what letter are we going to look at first this time?
Mihai: We will start with e. It has many different pronunciations, depending on its place within the word.
Sydney: It can either be used as a middle vowel, a semi vowel, or a dipthong.
Mihai: An example as a middle vowel is fenomenal,
Sydney: "phenomenal." An example as a semi vowel is...
Mihai: ideal,
Sydney: "ideal." And as a dipthong?
Mihai: eu,
Sydney: "me." Let’s hear a couple of sample sentences. Listen out for this letter, listeners!
Mihai: Eu și mama eram mai departe, dar voi erați destul de aproape de destinația finală.
Sydney: "My mother and I were farther, but you were pretty close to the final destination."
Mihai: Eduard este prieten bun cu Mirel și Andreea. Ei au fost mereu împreună la bine și la greu.
Sydney: "Eduard is a good friend of Mirel and Andreea. They have always been together for better or for worse." Let’s move onto another letter.
Mihai: This time, it’s i. It can be followed by a consonant as in pretenții
Sydney: meaning "claims." It can be used as a semivowel...
Mihai: iarbă,
Sydney: meaning "grass," or as a short, final sound, for example...
Mihai: toți.
Sydney: This means "all." Again, let’s hear an example sentence.
Mihai: Mirelei îi plac mult crinii. Își ia mereu de la piață câte un buchet la finalul săptămânii.
Sydney: "Mirela loves lilies. She always takes a bouquet at the end of the week."
Mihai: Something you need to know, is when to use either â or î.
Sydney: What is the difference between them?
Mihai: â (from a) is used only within the interior of the word, while î (from i) is used in the initial or final position of a word’s letters.
Sydney: Let’s hear a couple of example sentences.
Mihai: Am fost în târg să cumpărăm niște hârtie colorată și ceva dulciuri de casă. În plus, ne-am făcut hatârul și am luat și înghețată.
Sydney: "We went to the fair to buy some colored paper and some home-made sweets. Additionally, we did ourselves a favor and got some ice cream."
Mihai: Atât cât m-am priceput am ajutat-o să înceapă să vorbească japoneza cu gazdele sale din Tokyo.
Sydney: "As much as I was able to, I helped her start talking Japanese with his hosts in Tokyo."


Sydney: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Mihai: La revedere.

