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Sydney: Hi everyone, and welcome back to RomanianPod101.com. This is Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 25 - Coming Up with a Sales Strategy in Romania. Sydney Here.
Mihai: Bună. I'm Mihai.
Sydney: In this lesson, you’ll learn about expressing exceptions. The conversation takes place at a meeting room in the office.
Mihai: It's between Bogdan, Peter Mareș, and a salesperson.
Sydney: The speakers are co-workers; therefore, they will speak formal Romanian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Bogdan: Dragi colegi, vă mulțumesc că împreună am ajuns la aceste rezultate frumoase. După cum puteți vedea din aceste grafice, am depășit cu trei procente ținta propusă pentru acest semestru. Felicitări!
Petru Mareș: Șefu', mă bucur să aud această veste! Cred că, într-adevăr, a fost un lucru de echipă și merităm cu toții să ne felicităm pentru succes. Am, însă, o întrebare.
Bogdan: Te rog, Petru, spune.
Petru Mareș: După cum știți, cu excepția ultimelor două luni, când lucrurile au mers extraordinar, noi nu am stat așa bine la vânzări. Cifrele din tabelul afișat o arată.
Vânzător: Petru, ai dreptate, dar parcă aici ne întâlniserăm să sărbătorim.
Petru Mareș: Problema pe care voiam eu să o ridic este că, în afară de Libra, noi pe celelalte mărci nu am mai vândut aproape nimic. Și cred că ar trebui să facem ceva cu asta.
Bogdan: Ai dreptate. Cu siguranță, fără a lua în considerare și celelalte branduri, nu ne putem acoperi ținta anuală.
Petru Mareș: Despre asta aș fi vrut să întreb: cum ne propunem să creștem vânzările pentru următorul semestru pentru Cubina și Trafor? Avem ceva idei?
Vânzător: Eu cred că principala soluție aici este un marketing mai bun. Exceptând activarea din mai, eu nu știu să se fi făcut ceva notabil în această privință.
Bogdan: Aveți dreptate. Asta voiam și eu să vă propun ca următor pas, să gândim niște cerințe concrete pentru departamentul de marketing că să sprijinim vânzările pe brandurile mai mici.
Sydney: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Bogdan: Dear colleagues, thank you for achieving these beautiful results together. As you can see from these charts, we have exceeded our semestrial target by 3%. Congratulations!
Peter Mareș: Boss, I'm glad to hear this news! I think, indeed, it was a team effort and we all deserve to congratulate ourselves for the success. But I have a question.
Bogdan: Please, Peter, say it.
Peter Mareș: As you all know, except for the last two months, when things worked great, we did not do well at sales in general. The figures in the table displayed indicate that.
Salesperson: Peter, you're right, but I thought we were here to celebrate.
Peter Mareș: The problem I want to raise is that, besides the Libra, we have sold almost nothing for other brands. And I think we should do something about that.
Bogdan: You are right. Certainly, without taking other brands into account, we cannot reach our annual target.
Peter Mareș: That's what I wanted to ask: how do we plan to increase sales for the next semester for Cubina and Trafor? Do we have any ideas for that?
Salesperson: I think the main solution here is better marketing. Except for the May activation, I do not remember anything remarkable in this regard to have been made.
Bogdan: You're right. That's what I wanted to propose to you as the next step, to think of concrete requirements for the marketing department to support the sales of the smaller brands.
Sydney: Mihai, can you tell us a little about New Year celebrations in Romania?
Mihai: Sure. The Romanian New Year celebrations are a mix of folklore, costumes, rituals and traditions.
Sydney: Can you give us an example of how it is celebrated?
Mihai: In the rural areas, children and teenagers gather up in groups to perform a singing and dancing ritual called Plugusorul. During the same day, but at night, adults dress up in the national costume to perform plug.
Sydney: Sounds interesting and like a big celebration.
Mihai: It is, it’s a celebration of death and rebirth.
Sydney: Are there any superstitions that Romanian people have regarding the New Year?
Mihai: Yes. Some of them include paying your debts until midnight and starting the year with money in your pocket.
Sydney: I guess that’s a superstition to ensure the new year is a wealthy one.
Mihai: That’s right. It’s said that if you wear a red piece of lingerie, you’ll find your loved one in the new year.
Sydney: That’s an interesting one! I’ll have to remember that.
Mihai: Also, people eat fish as it’s believed it will bring health and prosperity.
Sydney: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Sydney: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Mihai: grafic [natural native speed]
Sydney: chart
Mihai: grafic [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: grafic [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Mihai: a depăși [natural native speed]
Sydney: to exceed
Mihai: a depăși [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: a depăși [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Mihai: procent [natural native speed]
Sydney: percent
Mihai: procent [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: procent [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Mihai: adevăr [natural native speed]
Sydney: truth
Mihai: adevăr [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: adevăr [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Mihai: a merita [natural native speed]
Sydney: to deserve
Mihai: a merita [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: a merita [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Mihai: extraordinar [natural native speed]
Sydney: great
Mihai: extraordinar [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: extraordinar [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Mihai: cifră [natural native speed]
Sydney: figure
Mihai: cifră [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: cifră [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Mihai: excepție [natural native speed]
Sydney: exception
Mihai: excepție [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: excepție [natural native speed]
Sydney: Next we have...
Mihai: afișat [natural native speed]
Sydney: displayed
Mihai: afișat [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: afișat [natural native speed]
Sydney: And last...
Mihai: a sprijini [natural native speed]
Sydney: to support
Mihai: a sprijini [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: a sprijini [natural native speed]
Sydney: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...
Mihai: într-adevăr
Sydney: meaning "indeed."
Sydney: This is a modal adverbial phrase.
Mihai: It comes from the preposition într-, meaning "in," followed by adevăr.
Sydney: This is a singular neuter noun that means "truth." It can literally be translated as "in truth."
Mihai: We translate it as "indeed."
Sydney: You can use it to show that a certain fact is true.
Mihai: It’s commonly used in informal texts.
Sydney: Can you give us an example using this word?
Mihai: Sure. For example, you can say... Mi-a zis că într-adevăr nu mai vrea să plece din țară anul acesta.
Sydney: ...which means "He told me that, indeed, he does not want to leave the country this year."
Sydney: Okay, what's the next word?
Mihai: cu excepția
Sydney: meaning "except."
Sydney: This is a phrase.
Mihai: It is made by the preposition cu, which means "with." The next word is excepția.
Sydney: This is a feminine singular noun that means "exception." The literal translation is "with exception."
Mihai: You can translate it to "except."
Sydney: It is used as a modal adverb to mean "exception."
Mihai: Usually, it is followed by a nominal group in genitive.
Sydney: Can you give us an example using this word?
Mihai: Sure. For example, you can say... Au venit toți la petrecerea de ziua mea cu excepția Simonei care a avut niște probleme medicale și a trebuit să rămână acasă.
Sydney: ... which means "They all came to my birthday party except for Simone who had some medical problems and had to stay home."
Sydney: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Sydney: In this lesson, you'll learn about expressing exceptions.
Sydney: We can use phrasal verbs to express exceptions. Exceptions are deviations from general rules.
Mihai: This can be expressed either at the lexical level or at the sentence level.
Sydney: In Romanian, there are several phrasal verbs that define exception. Let’s hear a couple.
Mihai: a face excepție
Sydney: "to make exception of." You use this with a nominal group in accusative.
Mihai: a nu lua în calcul / considerare
Sydney: "do not take into account / consideration." These are also used with nominal groups in accusative. Now, let’s hear a sentence example.
Mihai: Azi vom face excepție de la regula de fără zahăr și vom merge la cofetărie să ne cumpărăm două prăjituri bune.
Sydney: "Today we will make an exception to the sugar-free rule and will go to the sweet-shop to buy two good cakes." Another way to express exception is by using certain expressions or specific parts of speech.
Mihai: You can use exceptând or excluzând, for example.
Sydney: These are "except" and "excluding," respectively. Can we have an example?
Mihai: Ne-am simțit bine când câștigam meciul exceptând momentul în care Alex a trebuit să stea pe bară pentru că s-a lovit la cap. Dar, din fericire, i-a trecut repede.
Sydney: "We felt good when we were winning the game, except when Alex had to sit out because he hurt his head. But, luckily, he got through it quickly." This uses the nominal group in accusative.
Mihai: You can also use excepție făcând - "except for." Îmi place să stau mult timp pe plajă să mă bronzez excepție făcând momentele în care sunt valuri și atunci prefer să înot.
Sydney: "I like to spend a lot of time sitting on the beach to get tanned, except for times when there are waves, and then I prefer to swim." This uses the nominal group in nominative.
Mihai: Another example is cu excepția, meaning "except for." Au venit toți la petrecerea Mariei cu excepția lui Răzvan care era prea obosit și a trimis doar un cadou prin Ruxandra.
Sydney: "They all came to Maria's party, except for Razvan who was too tired and just sent a gift through Ruxandra." That uses the nominal group in genitive.
Mihai: Also, în afară de - "except for, besides, other than" În afară de Mirel, care a luat nota nouă, cu toții am primit zece la lucrarea de control de la fizică.
Sydney: "Besides Mirel, who took a mark of nine, we all received a ten on the Physics Exam." This uses the nominal group in accusative.
Mihai: Also, mai puțin - "except." Am vizitat toate regiunile României, mai puțin Delta Dunării pe care abia aștept să o văd.
Sydney: "I have visited all the regions of Romania, except the Danube Delta which I can not wait to see." This uses the nominal group in accusative.
Mihai: Finally, fără - "without." Fără a mai sta pe gânduri, i-a tras pistolul din mână și l-a dezamorsat instantaneu.
Sydney: "Without thinking, he pulled the gun from his hand and instantly defused him." This is a verb in conjunctive or infinitive.


Sydney: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Mihai: La revedere.

