Vocabulary (Review)

minut minute
mă numesc my name is
îmi pare bine nice to meet you
bună hi
sunt I am (conjugated form of a fi )
română Romanian

Lesson Notes


Lesson Focus

The focus of this lesson is Introducing Yourself

Topic 1: How introduce yourself

Sentence from the Lesson:

Bună, sunt Raluca. Îmi pare bine.

"Hi, I'm Raluca. Nice to meet you."

Let’s start with a polite and common way to introduce yourself.

Bună, sunt Raluca. Îmi pare bine.

"Hi, I'm Raluca. Nice to meet you."

The first word is Bună, which means "hi", or "hello". After that comes sunt, which means "I am". Then, say your name. For example, Bună, sunt Raluca ,"Hi, I’m Raluca".

Finally, say Îmi pare bine, which means "nice to meet you".

So all together it would be:

Bună, sunt Raluca. Îmi pare bine.


Topic 2: Another way of introducing yourself

Sentence from the Lesson:

Bună, mă numesc Raluca. Îmi pare bi-ne.

"Hi, my name is Raluca. Nice to meet you."

There is also another way to say your name.

Instead of Sunt Raluca, I could say Mă numesc Raluca.

Mă numesc literally means "I call myself". But we use it to mean "my name is".

Bună, mă numesc Raluca.. Îmi pare bine. "Hi, my name is Raluca. Nice to meet you."


In formal situations, people in Romanian speaking countries greet each other by shaking hands. On the other hand, if we meet someone we are very friendly with, we kiss each other on both cheeks. So don’t be surprised if this happens to you!

Lesson Transcript

Welcome to RomanianPod101.com’s “Româna în 3 minute”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Romanian.
Bună, sunt Raluca. Îmi pare bine.
Hi, I'm Raluca. Nice to meet you.
In this series, we’re going to learn basic Romanian phrases. It’s super easy and it only takes three minutes!
In this lesson, you’re going to learn how to introduce yourself in Romanian. You’ll be surprised by how easy it is. Are you ready? Here we go.
Let’s start with a polite and common way to introduce yourself.
Bună, sunt Raluca. Îmi pare bine.
Hi, I'm Raluca. Nice to meet you.
[slowly] Bună, sunt Raluca. Îmi pare bine.
The first word is Bună, which means “hi”, or “hello”. After that comes sunt, which means “I am”. Then, say your name. For example, Bună, sunt Raluca ,“Hi, I’m Raluca.”
Finally, say Îmi pare bine, which means “nice to meet you”.
So all together it would be:
Bună, sunt Raluca. Îmi pare bine.
Hi, I'm Raluca. Nice to meet you.
There is also another way to say your name.
Instead of Sunt Raluca, I could say Mă numesc Raluca.
Mă numesc literally means “I call myself”. But we use it to mean “my name is”.
Bună, mă numesc Raluca.. Îmi pare bine. Hi, my name is Raluca. Nice to meet you.
[slowly] Bună, mă numesc Raluca. Îmi pare bi-ne.
Again, let’s take a look at these two ways to introduce yourself.
Bună, sunt Raluca. Îmi pare bine.
Hi, I'm Raluca. Nice to meet you.
Bună, mă numesc Raluca. Îmi pare bine. Hi, my name is Raluca. Nice to meet you.
Now it’s time for Raluca’s Insights.
In formal situations, people in Romanian speaking countries greet each other by shaking hands. On the other hand, if we meet someone we are very friendly with, we kiss each other on both cheeks. So don’t be surprised if this happens to you!
Do you know how we say “thank you” in Romanian? You’ll learn how to say this and many other words in the next lesson. Pe curând! See you soon!