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Sounds That Animals Make
19 words
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Sounds That Animals Make
19 words
Leii rag: ei fac "Roaaar!"
Lions roar; they go, "Roaaaar!"
Câinii latră; ei fac, "ham ham"
Dogs bark; they go, "Bow wow."
Pisicile miaună; ele fac, "miau miau".
Cats meow; they go, "Meow meow."
Vacile mugesc; ele fac "Muuu."
Cows moo; they go, "Mooooo."
Porcii grohăie; ei fac "groh groh."
Pigs snort; they go, "Oink."
Oile behăie; ele fac "beee."
Sheeps baa; they go, "Meehhhhh."
Albinele zumzăie; ele fac "zum-zum."
Bees buzz; they go, "Bzzzzzzzzz."
Păsările ciripesc; ele fac "cip-cirip".
Birds chirp; they go, "Tweet tweet."
Cocoșii cântă; ei fac "cucurigu".
Roosters crow; they go, "Cock-a-doodle-doo!"
Măgarii nechează; ei fac "i-ha".
Donkeys bray; they go, "Hee-haw."
Caii nechează; ei fac, "i-ha."
Horses whinny; they go, "Neighhh."
Rațele măcăie ; ele fac "mac-mac."
Ducks quack; they go, "Quack quack."
Broaștele orăcăie; ele fac "oac-oac".
Frogs croak; they go, "Ribbit!"
Porumbeii cântă; ei fac "glu-glu".
Pigeons coo; they go, "Coo."
Șoarecii chițcăie; ei fac "chiț-chiț".
Mice squeak; they go, "Squeeeeek!"
Bufnițele buhăie; ele fac "buhuhu!"
Owls hoot; they go, "Hooooo!"
Puii piuie; ei fac "piu-piu!"
Chicks peep; they go, "Peep!"
Lupii urlă; ei fac "a-uuuu!"
Wolves howl; they go, "Awoooooo!"
Șerpii șuieră; ei fac "sssss".
Snakes hiss; they go, "Ssssssss."